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Showing posts with the label christmas day prayer for family

Christmas Day Prayer

Prayer over the christmas period loving lord and heavenly father how we rejoice as we remember the wonder and joy of the birth of christ into our fallen world on that first christmas night when the prince of peace himself came to tabernacle among men as was promised to our forefathers so many years before. Christmas day prayer o lord jesus christ true god from true god you became a little child for us so the world you made would be saved. A Prayer For Christmas Day Christmas Prayer Christmas Poems Simple Prayers Celebrating our savior by debbie mcdaniel for to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders. Christmas day prayer . We come to worship with a song of thanks in our heartsa song of redemption a song of hope and renewal. Daily prayer is so important especially during christmas because it allows us to keep our minds centered on jesus. Close the doors of hate and open the doors of love all over the...