Christmas is the period of several days around and including christmas day. Tetahi kupu nui ki a ia na nga tangata o waimamaku i tae mai ki te hui. Spell Christmas Words Day 1 Christmas Countown Youtube Ask each person to make as many smaller words from it as possible within three minutes. Christmas day ki spelling . Spell on christmas day. The day after christmas is generally a busy one for retailers. We see you and now you have 13 more celebrity friends to commiserate with. Ireland only had snow on christmas day nine times over the last 60 years in 1964 1970 1980 1993 1995 1999 2004 2009 and 2010. Find more similar words at. Celebrated on december 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and for many an occasion for exchanging gifts. Loan verb to have christmas spend christmas. Use it to inspire word walls word searches puzzles hangman and bingo games crafts worksheets story starters creative writin...